Office of Civility

Concerning or Worrisome Behavior

If this is an emergency that involves an imminent risk of harm to self or others, please call 911 or contact Rowan-Cabarrus Security at 704-216-7600 prior to completing this form.

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College is committed to providing a safe and respectful learning and work environment for all. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are encouraged to provide information describing any type of concerning or worrisome behavior. Worrisome behavior may include any instance in which someone feels unsafe or threatened, or may feel a level of concern for someone else, while at any campus location or college activity.

This is not about getting someone in trouble. It is about caring for others and keeping everyone safe. We will make every effort to keep any information provided private. Information will only be shared with those who need to know and can provide direct assistance.

For more information, please contact Misty Moler, Assistant Director of Student Advocacy Services/Student Wellness Center (, 704-216-3623). You can also complete the Rowan-Cabarrus Concerning Behavior Notification Form.

Thank you for your care and concern!


Examples of Concerning Behavior

  • Intoxication on campus
  • Threatening words or actions, writings, or online postings (a desire or plan to harm self or others)
  • Fascination with weapons
  • Obvious signs of self injury
  • Acts motivated by hatred or discrimination
  • Paranoid statements or behaviors
  • Stalking of another person(s)
  • Descriptions of fantasies that include violence
  • Harassment or bullying, including online
  • Extreme or sudden personality changes
  • Relationship violence
  • Hanging around the campus with no purpose
  • Medical concerns
  • Concerns about food or housing
  • Unattended children
  • Unwelcome sexual advances, sexually offensive remarks, or inappropriate acts
  • Excessive absenteeism or any dramatic change in a student’s normal attendance pattern
  • Outbursts or other anger management problems
  • Odd or irregular behavior (“acting out”)